9 December 2024

RPPC guest column Robert van Vliet

In the latest news section of Rotterdam Port Promotion Council (RPPC), our Commercial Manager, Robert van Vliet, wrote a guest…
hvo100, imerys, condor, duurzame binnenvaartNewsNieuws
25 November 2024

Switching to more sustainable waterway transport!

Sustainable inland shipping: A cooperation between Imerys and NRPC to make the logistics chain more sustainable.
26 February 2024

Royal Koopmans leads the way to sustainability with the first Nedertarwe barge sailing on HVO100 biofuel

Royal Koopmans has taken a historic step towards a sustainable future with the launch of the first Nedertarwe barge sailing…
Koning zero-emissie ms antonie, nprc, bezoek Koning zero-emissie ms antonie, king visits ms antonieNewsNieuwsSustainability
14 November 2023

King visits inland shipping operator NPRC’s zero-emission ship

His Majesty King Willem-Alexander today paid a visit to zero-emission ship MS Antonie. The King was given a tour by…
Steeds meer monitoring emissies binnenvaart , Inland shipping emissions increasingly monitoredDigitalizationNewsNieuwsSustainability
17 October 2023

Inland shipping emissions increasingly monitored

Importance of CO2 calculations increases due to upcoming reporting legislation.
WEVA-project, NPRC, Making a big difference with small stepsNewsNieuwsSustainability
13 June 2023

Making a big difference with small steps

On Monday, June 12th, a construction update of the Hydrogen Electric Cargo Ship Antonie (WEVA) took place at Concordia Damen…
Anno Treur, CFO NPRCNewsNieuws
11 January 2023

Arno Treur CFO of NPRC as of 1 January

Expansion of the executive board for stable growth of the cooperative.
nprc doornikNews
1 August 2022

Inland shipping specialist NPRC opens branch in Tournai

Cooperative of inland shipping enterprises strengthens position in Belgian logistics by opening a new branch office in Tournai, Belgium.
2 April 2022

Minister Harbers gives go-ahead for new construction of inland vessel propelled by green hydrogen

On 30 March, Minister Harbers of Infrastructure and Public Works officially gave the starting signal for the construction of the…
robert van vliet, commercial manager, commercial development managerNewsNieuws
29 March 2022

Robert van Vliet, in the deep end

As of februari 2022 Robert van Vliet joined the NPRC as our Commercial Development Manager. Get to know him on…
24 November 2021

CO2 monitoring gives insights in lower emissions inland shipping

The study shows that the key figures used so far for the inland shipping industry are not representative for the…
16 September 2021

NPRC transports 270 million kilos of sugar beet

Biggest shift of freight to waterborne transport in last 10 years. NPRC started the large-scale operation to transport sugar beet…
11 March 2021

Subsidy granted for construction of first hydrogen-powered cargo ship

On March 10, Dutch Minister of transport Cora Van Nieuwenhuizen visited Rotterdam to grant 4 million euros for the first…
4 February 2021

Covestro and NPRC plan to use hydrogen-powered barges

Covestro and NPRC plan to use hydrogen-powered barges In a joint project, Covestro and the logistics service provider Nederlandse Particuliere…
gazellen award 2019, nprc gazellen award 2019News
8 November 2019

Dutch inland shipping cooperative among the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands

Dutch inland shipping cooperative among the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands Rotterdam’s NPRC is an ‘FD Gazelle’ Rotterdam, the…
nprc digitale aanpak, digitaal logistiekDigitalizationNewsNieuws
17 October 2019

Stay informed of cargo status

Stay informed of cargo status Packages that can be tracked with precision from the factory until the deliverer is in…
2 July 2019

Meet us at Transport & Logistic Munich

Meet us at Transport & Logistic Munich As a leading European inland waterway shipping specialist, the NPRC offers real-time insights…
13 February 2019

Inland Waterway Cooperative NPRC leader in sustainability

Inland Waterway Cooperative NPRC leader in sustainability The Dutch Inland Waterway Cooperative NPRC (Nederlandse Particuliere Rijnvaart Centrale) has been awarded…